
عرض المشاركات من نوفمبر, ٢٠١٩

H&M black friday

H&M Tests renting clothes to address environment concern Following  within the  footsteps of its competitors, H&M has begun venturing into the  article of clothing  rental business, as  reported  by Business of Fashion. The business model  can  grant members of its loyalty program access to  fifty   clothes  that  they will  rent for a given  amount   of your time ,  for about  $37  per week  in the national capital , Sweden.  when   a shot  of  3  months, H&M entity Hennes & Mauritz AB  can  assess the time   and choose   whether or not  to expand the program’s offerings and reach or not.  the choice   to check  an  article of clothing  rental service  is that the  brands  try  at addressing  issues  of  the style  industry’s impact on the  setting ...

حقائق عن الديناصورات

معلومات عن الديناصورات   1.كلمه ديناصور تاتي من اللغه اليونانيه وتعني "السحليه المرعبه"وقد صاغ الكلمه عالم الحفريات ريتشلرد اوين في عام  1 8 4 2 وكان المقصود الاشاره الي حجم الديناصورات الكبير بدلا مظهرهم المخيف  2. حكمت الديناصورات الارض لمده 160 مليون سنه ،من فتره العصر الجوراسي وحتي نهايه العصر الطباشيري منذ حوالي 6 5 مليون سنه  3.يعتقد العلماء ان الديناصورات انقرضت بسبب اصطدام كويكب ضخم بالرض وانفجارات بركانيه كثيفه حدثت لمئات الاف السنين .احداث كهذه ترسل كميات ضخمه من الاتربه والغبار للغلاف الجوي .مما يؤدي حجب اشعه الشمس علي الارض لسنوات طويله  4.اكبر الديناصورات مثل براكيوصور واباتوصور كانت في الواقع حيوانات عاشبه وليست اكله لحوم  5.للتخلص من الحيوانات المفترسه ،طورت العديد من الديناصورات العاشبه اسلحه في جسمها ،ومن اشهر الامثله ذيل الديناصور المسمي بستيجوسورس الذي كان يحتوي علي اشواك بطول 70 سم . 6.لم تكن التيروصورات من الديناصورات ، بل كانت زواحف طائره وعاشت خلال الفتره التي عاشت فيها الديناصورات . والشىء نفسه ينطبق علي الزواحف البحريه مثل البلصور. ...

Endangered animals

Dodo  is  an  extinct  bird  that  inhabited  the  island  of  Mauritius.  Dodo  was  about  one  meter  in  size,  and  could  weigh  from  10  to  18  kg,  and  did  not  know  the  presence  of  the  Dodo  only  through  drawings  and  accounts  written  from  the  17th  century,  was  the  first  dodo  event  recorded  by  Dutch  sailors  in  1598,  and  in  the  years  that  followed,  humans  hunted  these  birds  and  were  extinct  by  s. The pigeon pigeon was one of North America's most prolific native peoples, one of the world's most abundant birds, and since the early 20th century it began becoming disappear. Pigeon meat was commerc...

the most beutiful animals

Salamanders  are  the  only  vertebrate  people  at  any  age  who  can  replace  their  skin,  limbs,  tail,  jaws,  and  spines.  In  the  flip  side,  as  young  children,  people  can  grow  damaged  limb  buds  as  embryos  and  fingertips. The squirrels have a strong maternal instinct, it turns out. A 2010 study conducted by researchers at Guelph University found that the animals would take their late family members ' orphaned pups. "Social animals, including lions and chimpanzees, are often surrounded by relatives, so it's not surprising that a woman adopts an orphaned family member because they've spent a lot of time.
Snow leopards have less developed vocal cords than their big fellow cats, which means they can't roar, but instead make a purr-like sound called a chuff. Scientists have researched why some cats have a higher-pitched meow than others for a 2010 study published in the Linnean Society's Biological Journal. They found that the call of a kitty is not determined by size, but by habitat. High-frequency "Social animals, including lions and chimpanzees, are often surrounded by relatives, so it's not surprising that a female adopts an orphaned family member because they've spent a lot of time together," said evolutionary biologist lead researcher Andrew McAdam. "Nevertheless, red squirrels live in complete isolation and are very territorial, the only time they allow another squirrel.

50 animals amazing

Humans aren't  the sole  animals  WHO   relish  a drink or  2 . A 2015 study  printed   within the  journal  honorary society  Open Science reveals that chimpanzees in Guinea had  a keenness  for  uptake   hard  palm sap,  obtaining   tiddley   within the   method . And for  additional   information   that you simply   will  tell  individuals ,  check up on  the  twenty   wonderful  Facts  You  ne'er  Knew  regarding  Your Own Body. While many scientists believe that tool use among dolphins is a relatively new phenomenon, a 2017 study published in Biology Letters suggests that otters may have been using tools for millions of years. Sea otters frequently use rocks to break open well-armored prey, such as snails.